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Agence Nationale de la Recherche Région Aquitaine
Ecole Française de Rome Ministère des affaires étrangères

Programme supported by the ANR


Amphorae Stamps Dr 6B

The repertoire suggested here does not claim to be a corpus with all of the implied demands of an epigraphic and amphorae edition, but simply to act as a convenient research tool for tracing pottery stamps and understanding their diffusions.

For each pottery stamp, we have proposed the following accompanying entries :

  • The stamp(s): certain stamps can be preceded by one or two asterisks (*interpretation uncertain; ** interpretation incorrect),
  • The workshop or region of production,
  • The stamp’s diffusion with bibliographic references listed between parenthesis,
  • Comments: which can discuss the interpretation of the stamp and the development proposed with respect to the form of the amphorae and its chronological context,
  • Documentation (photos and/or drawings).

The presentation is ordered alphabetically; however, when it comes to the Tria Nomina, the pottery stamps have been classed according to the gentilicium initial.

The repertoire is subdivided into 5 parts :

This repertoire has been created by the international group, the Happy Friends of Dressel 6B (GRIJAD), comprised of those individuals who have devoted part of their lives to amphorae that are all too often misread or unloved (more than 30 years after the work of Ezio Buchi, we continue to confuse Dr 6 A and B).


Our group is comprised of: Tamas Bezeczky (Austrian Academy of Sciences – Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture – Vienna), Marie-Brigitte Carre (Camille Jullian Cantre - Aix-en-Provence), Mariana Egri (Trinity College - Cambridge), Paola Maggi (University of Trieste), Yolande Marion (Ausonius – University of Bordeaux 3), Alka Starac (Archaeological Museum of Istria – Pula), Francis Tassaux (Ausonius – University of Bordeaux 3) and we wish to add more members soon. All of those who care to enrich the repertoire as we go along, be it by suggesting corrections or adding to it from their own work and readings, can contact Yolande Marion at