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Partners and Sponsors

Agence Nationale de la Recherche Région Aquitaine
Ecole Française de Rome Ministère des affaires étrangères

Programme supported by the ANR



Texts published in the Miscellanies of the French School of Rome, with geographic and authors indexes :

  • “Dix ans de recherches (1975-1985) sur l'Adriatique antique (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIe s. ap. J.-C.)”, MEFRA, 99, 1987, 1, p. 253-479 and MEFRA, 100, 1988, 2, p. 353-379. (with general map).
  • “Recherches sur l'Adriatique antique II (1986-1990)”, MEFRA, 105, 1993, 1, p. 303-417 and 2, p. 1015-1122, texts compiled by Y. Marion and F. Tassaux. (with regional map).
  • “Recherches sur l'Adriatique antique III (1991-1995)”, MEFRA, 109, 1997, 1, p. 263-415 and 2, p. 855-987,  texts compiled by Y. Marion and F. Tassaux. (with regional map).

Note: The late Antiquity is not taken into account in the first mentioned chronicle (1975-1985). We will be able to partially compensate for this gap with the work of :

  • J.-P. Caillet (1990) : “Dix années de recherche archéologique en Italie du Nord et Haut Adriatique”, REA, 92, p. 387-298.

Since 1977, South Italy has been covered by the Bibliografica topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia (abrégée BTCGI). This has wider chronological limits than those defined by the title :

  • Nenci G., Vallet G. (1977-2001) : Bibliografica topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia e nelle isole tirreniche, vol. 1-19, Pise-Rome-Naples.
Volume 18, 2006 (San Cesario sul Panaro – Siponto) is forthcoming.