Texts published in the Miscellanies of the French School of Rome, with geographic and authors indexes :
- “Dix ans de recherches (1975-1985) sur l'Adriatique antique (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIe s. ap. J.-C.)”, MEFRA, 99, 1987, 1, p. 253-479 and MEFRA, 100, 1988, 2, p. 353-379. (with general map).
- “Recherches sur l'Adriatique antique II (1986-1990)”, MEFRA, 105, 1993, 1, p. 303-417 and 2, p. 1015-1122, texts compiled by Y. Marion and F. Tassaux. (with regional map).
- “Recherches sur l'Adriatique antique III (1991-1995)”, MEFRA, 109, 1997, 1, p. 263-415 and 2, p. 855-987, texts compiled by Y. Marion and F. Tassaux. (with regional map).
Note: The late Antiquity is not taken into account in the first mentioned chronicle (1975-1985). We will be able to partially compensate for this gap with the work of :
- J.-P. Caillet (1990) : “Dix années de recherche archéologique en Italie du Nord et Haut Adriatique”, REA, 92, p. 387-298.
Since 1977, South Italy has been covered by the Bibliografica topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia (abrégée BTCGI). This has wider chronological limits than those defined by the title :
- Nenci G., Vallet G. (1977-2001) : Bibliografica topografica della colonizzazione greca in Italia e nelle isole tirreniche, vol. 1-19, Pise-Rome-Naples.
Volume 18, 2006 (San Cesario sul Panaro – Siponto) is forthcoming.