— Maria Paola Castiglioni, Mariateresa Curcio et Rachele Dubbini, ed. (2020) : Incontrarsi al limite: ibridazioni mediterranee nell'Italia preromana, Atti del convegno internazionale, Ferrara 6-8 giugnio 2019, Adrias 6, Roma, 358 p. The volume hosts the proceedings of the international conference "Meeting at the Limit: Mediterranean Hybridizations in Pre-Roman Italy", which was held in Ferrara during the 6th through the 8th of June 2019. The conference was dedicated to the specific research theme of borders in the classical world, which is extremely promising for the understanding of the processes of definition of socio-economic and cultural spaces in ancient times. The theme is addressed in an interpretative perspective that sees the liminal areas as open systems of passage and therefore of contact between different realities; of encounters in essentially fluid places that lead to the development of new and unprecedented relationships and therefore of hybridizations. The aim of the work was to widen the historiographical debate already started during the 54th Magna Graecia Study Conference (Hybridization and integration in Magna Graecia: Shapes, models, dynamics) to the Tyrrhenian and especially Adriatic contexts of pre-Roman Italy, areas where the development of Greek culture did not take place according to the poleic model, thus allowing to focus more attention on the phenomena of mobility, fluidity and multiplicity of individuals, resources, practices, and ideas that involved the whole ancient Mediterranean. |
— Pierre Machut, Yolande Marion, Ayed Ben Amara et Francis Tassaux, ed. (2020) : Recherches pluridisplinaires récentes sur les amphores nord-adriatiques à l’époque romaine – Recent multidisciplinary research on northern Adriatic amphorae during the Roman period. Actes de la Table ronde internationale (Bordeaux, 11 avril 2016), AdriAtlas 3, Editions Ausonius / Un@, Bordeaux, 130 p.
Ce troisième livre de la série AdriAtlas est le fruit d’une table ronde tenue à Bordeaux en 2016 qui a réuni chercheurs croates, français, hongrois et italiens. Archéologues et archéomètres ont confronté méthodes et résultats de leurs travaux sur les amphores à huile Dressel 6B et donnent ainsi la dernière actualité des recherches dans ce domaine. Il s’agit d’une édition électronique, en open access, téléchargeable à l'adress suivante : https://una-editions.fr/adriatlas-3-recherches-pluridisplinaires-recentes-sur-les-amphores-nord-adriatiques-a-lepoque-romaine/ |
— Jana Horvat, Irena Lazar, Andrej Gaspari, ed. (2020) : Manjša rimska naselja na slovenskem prostoru / Minor Roman settlements in Slovenia, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 40, Ljubljana, 420 p. [full test http://iza.zrc-sazu.si/pdf/opera/OIAS_40_2020.pdf ] The book discusses the minor settlements that dotted the territory of present-day Slovenia in the Roman period. This geographically diverse territory was crossed by important lines of communication and divided between three large administrative units of the Roman state: Italy and the provinces of Noricum and Upper Pannonia. Twenty-six authors wrote contributions on individual settlements in a comprehensive and clear manner roughly following a common concept. The presentation of each settlement opens with its location and name in Antiquity, possible habitation traces from prehistory, mentions in ancient literary texts and documents, and recovered epigraphic evidence. The next, main part offers an overview of the archaeological remains from the Roman period: topography, infrastructure, buildings, cemeteries and portable remains of particular significance. This is followed by the information on the status of a settlement, social standing of its inhabitants, their administrative or military functions, as well as professional or ethnical background. All is brought together in an outline of the historical development of each settlement. |
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— Guarnieri, Chiara, éd. (2019) : La salina romana e il territorio di Cervia: aspetti ambientali e infrastrutture storiche, Documenti ed Evidenze di Archeologia 14, Bologna, 304 p. Il volume presenta la recente ed eccezionale scoperta di un impianto per l’estrazione del sale databile all’età romana, uno dei pochissimi documentati archeologicamente nel bacino del Mediterraneo: si tratta di strutture realizzate in legno, dotate di paratie che permettevano all’acqua salata di fluire entro i bacini di essiccazione. Tale rinvenimento permette di retrodatare di mille anni la coltivazione del sale nel territorio cervese e di approfondire così il mezzo che, più di ogni altro, consentiva la conservazione degli alimenti. L’analisi geomorfologica del sito, unitamente allo studio ambientale (analisi archeobotaniche, studio dei reperti lignei e zoologici), ha permesso di ricostruire l’ambiente della salina e del territorio circostante. Il testo illustra inoltre alcuni importanti reperti rinvenuti nel territorio cervese e ora esposti nella sezione archeologica del Museo del Sale di Cervia (MUSA), tra cui i resti di una nave bizantina. |
— Franco Luciani, Elvira Migliario, ed. (2019) : Boundaries of Territories and Peoples in Roman Italy and Beyond, Documenti e studi 71, Bari,164 p.
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— Matteazzi Michele (2019) : Il paesaggio trasformato: la pianura a sud di Padova tra Romanizzazione e Tarda Antichità, BAR Intern. S. n° 2921, Oxford, 146 p. This book, originally based on the author's PhD research and revised in the years following, presents a regional study focusing on a stretch of low Venetian plain south of the city of Padua, between the Euganei Hills and the southern basin of the Venetian Lagoon. The primary goal of this research is the reconstruction of the Roman landscape, which is analysed through a methodology based on the theoretical precepts of Landscape Archaeology and developed following an archaeomorphological approach. After its essential features (both natural and anthropic) have been defined, changes and transformations in its structure are evaluated, as they occurred during the period of Roman domination, between their arrival at the beginning of the 2nd c. BC and the 6th c. AD; that is, the point at which the Gothic war (535-553) and the arrival of the Lombards (568) put an end to any desire for domination of the region on the part of the Eastern Roman Empire.
— Mongardi, M. (2018) : Firmissima et splendidissima populi romani colonia. L'epigrafia anforica di Mutina e del suo territorio, Instrumenta 62, Barcelona, 289 p. This book, dedicated to the instrumentum inscriptum of Mutina (Modena)and its ager, is mainly concentrated on stamps and tituli picti on amphoras and marked opercula. After a first chapter on geographical, historical and chronological characteristics of the city, the two following chapters, the most important, are devoted to the different contexts and analyses of these stamps and inscriptions (chap. 2) then of tituli picti (chap. 3). The chapter 4 has established thee other marks on tiles, lamps, fine ceramic tableware and it is ended by some conclusive observations. Then, the a. has created and inserted two important corpora, basis of her analyses, and she has closed her monography with indexes of ancient sources, Greek and Latin stamps and names of the persons on tituli picti. |
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— Bouet, A. et C. Petit-Aupert, éd. (2018) : Bibere, ridere, gaudere, studiere, hoc est vivere. Hommages à Francis Tassaux, Suppl. Aquitania 40 - Ausonius Mémoires 53, Bordeaux, 413 p.
“Francis Tassaux ... attento conoscitore della Gallia come dell'Adriatico ... Quest libro è l'occasione per alcuni dei suei numerosi amici di renderle omaggio. La diversità dei argomenti trattati testimonia della moltiplicità dei sui centri di interese.” |
— Paolo M. Gensini (2018) : NOVVM CORPVS INSCRIPTIONVM MESSAPICARVM. Una revisione del compless delle iscrizioni preromane dall antichità iapygia, Lecce. | ![]() |
— Rossi, Guido and Sitran, Gianna (2018) : Crocevia Adriatico. Chiese dell'Italia meridionale e dei Balcani. Secoli IV-XI.
“Di ogni edificio è fornita una scheda storiografica e critica, spesso corredata di pianta a colori, nella quale emergono gli elementi della chiesa originaria e delle aggiunte successive. I monumenti censiti rivelano un'ampia gamma di soluzioni incardinando il singolo soggetto nel suo ambiente geografico e culturale”. |
— Ugarković, Marina, éd.(2018) : PRAETORIA LONGE LATEQUE LUCENTIA. Zbornik radova Posvecen Vlasti Begovic povodom 65. obljetnice zivota, Zbornik Instituta za Arheologiju 8, Zagreb. |
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— Cavalieri, M. e Boschetti, C., ed. (2018) : MVLTA PER ÆQVORA. Il polisemico significato della moderna ricerca archeologica. Omaggio a Sara Santoro, Fervet Opus 4, Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve. Contents : |
— Mazzocchin, Stefania (2017) : Anfore romane a Vicenza. La storia e i percorsi di un contenitore, Vicenza. |
— Piantoni, Federica e Marianelli, Daniela, ed. (2017) : Mutina splendissima. La città romana. La sua heredità, De Luca Editori d’Arte, Roma, Cf. http://arteculturaok.blogspot.fr/2017/11/mutina-splendidissima-la-citta-romana-e.html Exhibition catalogue (Foro Boario, Modena ; 25 nov. 2017 – 8 april 2018). |
— Agostinetti, Paola Piana, ed. (2017) : Celti d’Italia. I Celti dell'età di La Tène a sud delle Alpi. Atti del convegno internazionale (Roma, 16-17 dicembre 2010) dedicato alla memoria di Renato Peroni, Biblioteca di «Studi Etruschi» 59, Roma, 615 p.
— Belfiori, Francesco (2017) : "Lucum conlucare Romano more" archeologia e religione del "lucus" Pisaurensis, Bologna, IX-139 p.
Cf. for the presentation of the book and its author, http://www.arborsapientiae.com/libro/20144/lucum-conlucare-romano-more-archeologia-e-religione-del-lucus-pisaurensis-francesco-belfiori.html
— Chelotti, Marcella, Silvestrini, Marina et Todisco, Elisabetta, éd. (2017) : Itinerari di storia in ricordo di Mario Pani : atti della giornata di studi (Bari, 22 gennaio 2016), Edipuglia, Documenti e studi 67, Bari, 148 p.
— Čuka, M. (2017) : Tajna niti = Il segreto dei fili = The secret of thread : od samih pocetaka do rimskog doba / dai primordi all'età romana / from its genesis to the roman period, Katalozi izložbi 3, Pula.
Cf. http://www.ami-pula.hr/it/prozor-u-proslost/il-segreto-dei-fili-dai-primordi-alleta-romana/
Catalogue for the exhibition held in Pula from13 march to16 may 2017.
—Diarte-Blasco, P., éd. (2017) : Cities, Lands and Ports in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages : Archaeologies of Change, Roma. Based on the colloquium ‘Urban and Rural Landscapes between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages’ (Zaragoza,Espagne -2012), this book has enlarged the question (commentary and table of contents : https://books.bradypus.net/citites_lands_ports). Two contributions are dedicated to Dalmatia : • Turković, T. et N. Maraković (2017) : “Late Antique Changes in the Urban Structure of the Dalmatian Metropolis : The Episcopalis Complex in Salona”, 39-52 ; • Zeman, M. (2017) : “A Reverse Perspective on the Transformation of the Roman ‘Rural ’ in Central Dalmatia – Hyllis Peninsula, Danilo, Bilice”, 111-13. |
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— Fioriello, C. S. (2017) : ‘Poedicvlorvm oppida’ : Spazi urbani della Puglia centrale in età romana, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 23, Oxford, 248 p. (res. angl.) Persistenza indigena, consistenza, articolazione, forma e funzionalità urbanistiche dei municipia della Puglia centrale consentono di leggere la complessa vicenda storica e insediativa di questo comparto nel lungo periodo esteso fra l’età della romanizzazione e il III sec. d.C. La raccolta e disamina complessive del patrimonio documentario permettono così di ricostruire – per la prima volta, in maniera organica e in un disegno globale – il profilo dello spazio urbano dei ‘Poediculorum oppida’ secondo una prospettiva dinamica che lascia cogliere segni di ristrutturazione e di omologazione, di novità e di vivacità, di rottura e di interazione, per provare a riconsiderare quell’idea pervicace di ineluttabile ‘crisi’ tradita fino a tempi recenti e a tracciare un quadro poleografico calibrato su una intensa e morfogenetica tensione fra metabolismo e simbiosi. |
— France, Jérôme (2017) : Finances publiques, intérêts privés dans le monde romain, Editions Ausonius Scripta Antiqua 100, Bordeaux, 648 p.
This book brings together more than twenty articles by the author, plus his post-doctoral dissertation on the staffing of the Roman Empire’s financial administration. Cf. for more information and the table of contents, http://ausoniuseditions.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/collections/scripta/antiqua?isbn=9782356131812
— Gaspari, A. et al. (2017) : Deblak s konca 2. stoletja pr. n. št. iz Ljubljanice na Vrhniki. The Late 2nd century BC Logboat from the Ljubljanica River at Vrhnika. Študija o ladjah in čolnih predrimskega in rimskega Navporta z orisom plovde na Ljubljanskem barju med prazgodovino in novim vekom. Study on the Ships and Boats of Preroman and roman Nauportus with the Outline of the Navigation on the Ljubljana Marshes between Prehistory and the Early Modern Period, Ljubljana, 202 p.
The publication is on line : https://www.academia.edu/33605984/_2017_The_Late_2nd_century_BC_Logboat_from_the_Ljubljanica_River_at_Vrhnika_
— Gawronski, J. et al. (2017) : Ships and Maritime Landscape. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Amsterdam 2012, ISBSA 13, Eelde, 525 p.
In this huge diachronicle publication (cf. table of contents : http://www.barkhuis.nl/pdfs/isbsa13_frontmatter.pdf), two contributions concern the antic northern Adriatic :
• Tiboni, F. (2017) : “44. The sewn boat from Cavanella d'Adige (Veneto, Italy). Excavation and first analysis”, 290-295.
• Castro, F. et M. Capulli (2017) : “68. The Stella 1 shipwreck. A Roman barge in the upper-Adriatic region (Udine, Italy)”, 426-430.
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— Giostra, Caterina, ed. (2017) : Archeologia dei Longobardi:dati e metodi per nuovi percorsi di analisi. I Incontro per l’Archeologia barbaricaMilano, 2 maggio 2016, Mantova. Cf. table of contents and introduction in https://www.academia.edu/33042254/Archeologia_dei_Longobardi_dati_e_metodi_per_nuovi_percorsi_di_analisi |
— Hellmuth Kramberger, A. (2017) : Monkodonja. Forschungen zu einer protourbanen Siedlung der Bronzezeit Istriens, Teil 2/1- Die Keramik aus derbronzezeitlichen Gradina Monkodonja [Monkodonja. Istraživanje protourbanog naselja brončanog doba Istre, Knjiga 2/1, Keramika s broncanodobne gradine Monkodonja, Monografije i katalozi 28, Pula.
— Kalmring, S. und L. Werther, Hrsg. (2017) : Häfen im 1.Häfen im 1. Millenium AD. Standortbedingungen, Entwicklungsmodelle und ökonomische Vernetzung (Jena, 19-21. Januar 2015), Mainz.
Cf. introduction and table of contents, https://www.academia.edu/34831101/H%C3%84FEN_IM_1._MILLENNIUM_AD_STANDORTBEDINGUNGEN_ENTWICKLUNGSMODELLE_UND_%C3%96KONOMISCHE_VERNETZUNG
In addition to the the general interest of each communication, few pages are dedicated to the ports of Butrint, Dürres and Shkoder in : Külzer, A. (2017) : “Häfen und Landeplätze an den Balkanküsten des Byzantinischen Reiches. Aktuelle Forschungen und Forschungsvorhaben: die Jahre 2014 und 2015”, 235-240.
— Koncani Uhač, Ida, Boetto, Giulia and Uhač, Marco, ed. (2017) : Zambratija. Prapovijesni šivani brod – Prehistoric sewn boat – Una barca cucita preistorica – Un bateau cousu préhistorique, Katalog 85, Pula (Exhibition catalogue). |
— McEachnie, Robert (2017) : Chromatius of Aquileia and the making of a christian city, London-New York, IX-194 p. |
— Santoro, Sara, ed. (2017) : Emptor et mercator : spazi e rappresentazioni del commercio romano / studi e ricerche internazionali coordinate da Sara Santoro, con la collaborazione di Sonia Antonelli et al., Edipuglia, Bari, 546 p.
Cf. Description and table of contents in http://edipuglia.it/articoli/emptor-et-mercatorspazi-e-rappresentazioni-del-commercio-romano/
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— Tecco Hvala, Sneža, éd. (2017) : Molnik pri Ljubljani v železni dobi = The iron age site at Molnik near Ljubljana, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 36, Ljubljana, 272 p. Bilingual book in PDF : https://iza2.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/molnik_oias_36_2017.pdf |
— Todisco, L., ed. (2017) : Bari romana, L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma. Nel volume viene offerta una sintesi delle ricerche finora condotte sulla fase romana della città di Bari, con riferimento agli aspetti storici, topografici, archeologici, artistici ed epigrafici. La revisione della documentazione già nota conferma la vocazione essenzialmente commerciale e mercantile di Barium, favorita dal suo porto ed espressa dalla composita classe libertina di età imperiale, la considerazione dei più recenti interventi di archeologia urbana apporta nuovi elementi di valutazione a favore della controvers... Contributi di Custode Silvio Fiorello, Anna Mangiatordi, Gianluca Mastrocinque, Luigi Todisco. |
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— Turchetto, J. and M. Asolati, ed. (2017) : Paesaggi in movimento. Ricerche dedicate a Guido Rosada, Padova, 328 p.
— Vermeulen, F. (2017) : From the mountains to the sea: the Roman colonisation and urbanisation of central Adriatic Italy, Babesch suppl. 30, Leuven, 224 p.
This book proposes an innovative synthesis of recent archaeological research on town formation and urbanisation, and connected Roman colonisation, of the central part of Adriatic Italy. The author analyses the formation and character of Roman towns in this still somewhat understudied area of central Italy, thus contributing to a better understanding of the lasting Roman impact on conquered societies in Italy as a whole. During the past decade much archaeological fieldwork has been conducted on urban sites in this area, including exciting field surveys, and it is now high time for a geographical and historical contextualisation of the more than 40 Roman urban sites known in this area, based on a careful review of the scholarly tradition and the bringing together of much new, often unpublished or preliminary published, field data. The result is the first comprehensive synthesis of the urban phenomenon in a region characterized by one of the most dense town networks of the Roman Empire. Some of the main sub-themes to discuss when dealing with Roman-inspired urbanism are present in this book, including: town formation, town planning, the structural relationship town-territory, religious aspects and urban sanctuaries, public buildings (fora, basilicae, baths, porticoes, theatres, amphitheatres, macella, etc.) and domestic architecture. But beyond the mostly archaeologically-driven investigation of architectural features of the colonies and all other towns in the study region, there is an attempt to understand the disposition and functioning of all the individual town centres in their wider context of territory, region and state. An additional important feature of the book is the gazetteer of urban sites which forms a starting point for all those working in Roman Italy.
— Vermeulen, Frank, Carboni, Francesca, Dralans, Sophie et Van den Bergh Debby, ed. (2017) : Un paesaggio di età romana rivelato : Potentia e la valle del Potenza fra l'Appennino e il mare Adriatico / Revealing a Roman landscape : Potentia and the Potenza valley between the Appennines and the Adriatic sea, Ante Quem, Bologna, 127 p. |
— Zanni, Sara, ed. (2017) : La route antique et médiévale : nouvelles approches, nouveaux outils. Actes de la table ronde internationale (Bordeaux, 15 novembre 2016), Ausonius Editions - Scripta Antiqua 106, Bordeaux, 175 p.
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This publication dedicated to the study of protohistoric, antic and medieval viability is organized in three thems : 1. comparison between historic sources (epigraphy, litarery sources and road itineraries) and archeological data ; 2. New methodologies of study and field verification : GIS, space analyses, teledetection, optimal paths, aerial photo and satellite data ; 3. New methodologies and new tools for publication (WebGis, atlas on line, publication in open access ) and the enhancement of the road heritage. |
— Mainardis, F., ed. (2016) : Voce concordi. Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria, Antichià altoadriatiche 85, Trieste, 774 p.
Contents : https://iris.unive.it/retrieve/handle/10278/3685581/98682/AAAd%2085%20Cresci%20Marrone.pdf
— Annibale. Un viaggio, catalogo della Mostra (a Barletta, Castello, 2 agosto 2016 - 22 gennaio 2017), a cura di A. Ciancio e F. Rossi, Bari, 2016, 167 p.
— Buora, M. e S. Magnani, a cura di (2016) : Le iscrizioni con funzione didascalico-esplicativa. Committente, destinatario, contenuto e descrizione dell’oggetto nell’instrvmentvm inscriptvm, Atti del VI incontro Instrumenta Inscripta (Aquileia, 26-28 marzo 2015), AAAd 83, Trieste.
— Davison, D., V. Gaffney, P. Miracle and J. Sofae, ed. (2016) : Croatia at the Crossroads. A consideration of archaeological and historical connectivity. Proceedings of conference held at Europe House, Smith Square, London, 24–25 June 2013 to mark the accession of Croatia to the European Union, London.
— Lepore, G. (2016) : Antiche città e paesaggi di Albania. Qytetet antike dhe peizazhi në Shqipëri, Catalogo di mostra del Museo Storico Nazionale/Muzeu Historik Kombëtar (Tirana, 12.04-20.05 2016), Edipuglia, Bari.
— Ožanić Roguljić, I. (2016) : Tipologija rimske keramike iz Vinkovaca. Typology of Roman pottery from Vinkovci, Monographiae Instituti archaelogici (MIA) 10, Zagreb.
Le recueil des céramiques trouvées à Cibalae (actuelle Vinkovci, Croatie), capitale de cité romaine, à l'est de la Pannonie, comprend un certain nombre d'importations de l'aire adriatique, sigillée et paroi fine nord-italiques et amphores à vin (Dr 2-4, amphores à fond plats) et à huile (Dr 6B).
— Parello, M. C., a cura di (2016) : Paesaggi urbani tardoantichi, Atti delle VIII Giornate Gregoriane (Agrigento, Parco della Valle dei Templi, 29-30 novembre 2014), Edipuglia, Bari.
— Zaccaria, C., ed. (2014) : L’epigrafia dei porti. Atti della XVIIe rencontre sur l’épigraphie du monde romain, Antichità altoadriatiche LXXIX, Trieste, 355 p.
— Zerbini, L., a cura di (2015) : Culti e religiosità nelle province danubiane. Atti del II Convegno Internazionale Ferrara 2013, Ferrara, .
— Čaučević-Bulli, M., F. Tassaux et alii (2015) : Aquileia – Salona – Apollonia. Putevima Jadrana od 2. st. pr. Kr. do početaka srednjeg vijeka / Un itinéraire adriatique du IIe s. av. J.-C. au début du Moyen Âge, Zagreb, 167 p.
— Marion Y. et F. Tassaux, éd. (2015) : AdriAtlas et l’histoire de l’espace adriatique du VIe s. a.C. au VIIIe s. p.C., Editions Ausonius- Scripta antiqua 79, Bordeaux, 528 p.
— Ettinger Starčić, Z. i D. Tončinić, ur. (2015) : Istraživanja na otocima (Veli Lošinj 2012), Izdanja Had 30, Zagreb, 176 p.
— Cugusi, P. e M. T. Sblendorio Cugusi, a cura di (2015) : Carmina Latina Epigraphica non bücheleriani di Dalmatia (CLEDalm). Edizione e commento con osservazioni sui carmi bücheleriani della provincia, Epigrafia e Antichità 36, Faenza, 174 p.
— Istenič, J., B. Laharnar i J. Horvat, ur. (2015) : Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem, Katalogi in monografije / Catalogi et monographiae 41, Ljubljana : Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015. Ouvrage en ligne : http://arheoportal.si/images/pdf/KiM-Rimska_vojska.pdf
— Shehi, E. (2015) : Terra sigillata en Illyrie méridionale et en Chaonie. Importations et productions locales (Ile s. av. J.-C. - Ile s. ap. J.-C.), Colección Instrumenta 48, Barcelona, 500 p.
— Capanema S., Q. Deluermoz, M. Molin et M. Redon, éd. (2015) : Du transfert culturel au métissage. Concepts, acteurs, pratiques, Rennes, 648 p.
In particular as regards Adriatic area, Stéphane Bourdin's article : “L’Italie du Nord préromaine : multi-ethnicité, métissages ou transferts culturels ?”, p. 549-564.
— Previato, C. (2015) : Aquileia. Materiali, forme e sistemi costruttivi dall'età repubblicana alla tarda antichità, Antenor Quaderni 32, Padoue, 638 p.
(online summary : www.academia.edu/13118512/Aquileia._Materiali_forme_e_sistemi_costruttivi_ dall'età_repubblicana_alla_tarda_età_imperiale)
— Volpe, G. (2015) : Storia e archeologia globale, 1, Bari.
— Open edition Books 2015, http://books.openedition.org/pcjb/522 : Importuosa Italiae litora. Paysage et échanges dans l’Adriatique méridionale archaïque, Centre Jean Bérard, Études VI, Naples 2002, de Maria Cecilia D'Ercole.
— Aberson M., M. C. Biella, M. Di Fazio et M. Wullschleger, éd. (2014) : Entre archéologie et histoire : dialogues sur divers peuples de l’Italie préromaine, Berne.
— Bourdin, S. et V. D’Ercole, éd. (2014) : I Vestini e il loro territorio dalla Preistoria al Medioevo, Coll. EFR 494, Rome.
— Braccesi, L., éd. (2014) : Ionios Poros. La porta dell’Occidente. 2e supplément à Grecità adriatica, Hesperìa 31, Rome.
— Caldelli, M. L. e G. L. Gregori, ed. (2014) : Epigrafia e ordine senatorio, 30 anni dopo, XIXe Rencontre sur l’epigraphie du monde romain, Roma, 2013, Tituli 10, Roma.
— Chiabà, M., ed. (2014) : Hoc quoque laboris praemium. Scritti in onore di Gino Bandelli, Polymnia 3, Trieste.
— Dall'Aglio, P. L., C. Franceschelli et L. Maganzani, éd. (2014) : Velleia romana. Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale di Studi Veleiati, Veleia-Lugagnano Val d'Arda, 2013, Ricerche series maior 4, 496 p.
— Hortus Artium Medievalium, 20 :Redefining urban space in late Antiquity and the Middle Ages / Artistic transfers in the Middle Ages - t.2: The (R)evolution in Christian Religious Architecture and Liturgy / Images of Christianity and the (Re)making of Christian Identity
Aperçu des communications en ligne : T. 1 http://www.brepolsonline.net/toc/ham/20/1 ; T. 2 http://www.brepolsonline.net/toc/ham/20/2
— Koncani Uhac, I., éd. (2014) : Akti XII. Medunarodnog kolokvija o rimskoj provincialnoj umjetnosti. Datiranje kamenih spomenika i kriteriji za odredivanje kronologije, Pula, 2011. [Proceedings of the 12th international colloquium on roman provincial art. The Dating of stone monuments and criteria for determination of chronology], Pula, 247 p.
— Small, A. M., ed. (2014) : Beyond Vagnari. New themes in the study of South Italy in the Roman period, Proceeding of Conference / International Colloquium, Edinburgh, 2012, Bari.
— Baldassara, D. (2013) : Dal Saranico all'Adriatico. Iscrizioni greche su ceramica del Museo archeologico nazionale di Adria, Diabaseis 4, Pise, 366 p.
— Fioriello, C. S., éd. (2012) : Ceramica romana nella Puglia adriatica, Bari, 402 p.
— Mangiatordi, A. (2011) : Insediamenti rurali e strutture agrarie nella Puglia centrale in età romana, Bibliotheca Archaeologica 23, Bari, 494 p.
— Carre, M.-B., V. Kovačić et F. Tassaux, dir. (2011) : L'Istrie et la mer. La côte du Parentin dans l'Antiquité, Ausonius-Mémoires 25, Bordeaux, 304 p.
— Dondin-Payre, M. dir. (2011) : Les noms de personnes dans l'Empire romain, Ausonius-Scripta Antiqua 36, Bordeaux, 379 p. For the Adriatic area, see the contribution of E. Deniaux, “Onomastique romaine et identité indigène en Illyrie du sud et en Epire, p. 197-202.
— Giovanini, A. (2011) : La voce dell'acqua. Il lacus Timavi tra mito, realtà materiali, eredità spirituali, Monfalcone, 63 p.
— Giovanini, A. (2010) : Via Annia. Un lungo viaggio nel tempo verso Aquileia, Monfalcone, 80 p.
— Radman-Livaja, I. ed. (2011) : Nalazi rimske vojne opreme u Hrvatskoj. Finds of the roman military equipment in Croatia, Arheološki Muzej u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 302 p.
— Lipovac Vrkljan, G., I. Radic Rossi & Bartul Šiljeg, ed. (2011) : Rimske keramicke i staklarske radionice. Proizvodnja i trgovina na jadranskom prostoru. Zbornik 1. Medunarodnog arheološkog kolokvija Crikvenica, 23.-24. listopada 2008. Officine per la produzione di ceramica e vetro in epoca romana. Produzio e commercio nella regione adriatica. Roman Ceramic and Glass Manufactures. Production and Trade in the Adriatic Region , Crikvenica, 395 p.
— Girardi Jurkic, V. (2011) : Nastambe i stanovanje od prapovijesti do srednjeg vijeka. (16. Medunarodnog savjetovanja u Puli i Medulinu od 24. do 27. studenoga 2010.)/ Dwellings from Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages (16th International Symposium in Pula and Medulin, 24-27 November, 2010.), Histria Antiqua, 20, Pula, 533 p.