To indicate a scientific meeting, send a note to :
Seminar and exhibition
Ole@workshop / Olea Oil Learning Experience in Apulia : Coltura dell’olivo e cultura dell’olio d’oliva in Terra di Bari tra Antico e Contemporaneo Place : Bitonto (Fondazione de Palo - Ungaro e Galleria nazionale dell Puglia ‘Girolamo e Rosaria Davenna’ Date : 4 - 5 october 2018 Animé par des chercheurs, doctorants et professionnels et ouvert au public, ce séminaire est l'occasion de partager les compétences acquises et de suivre des thématiques nouvelles ou peu étudiées. Il s'accompagne d'une exposition didactique, autoour d'une ample fresque du passé oléicole qui a marqué l'expérience agricole et le caractère traditiionnel de toute la région des Pouilles. |
International Round Table
International Colloquium
"Tiens bien la route ! Routes, agglomérations et territoires antiques et médiévaux".
Place : Amphi Archéo (ACHOOS), Maison de l'Archéologie, Ausonius - Université Michel Montaigne (Bordeaux, France).
Date :29-30 november 2017
These two days will be dedicated to the antic and medieval road and its links with the territory like living beings. A particular attention will be given to new instruments and techniques of research and publication.
International Colloquium : In memoriam Sara Santoro
“Arachaeologiae. Una storia al plurale : Studi e ricerche in memoria di Sara Santoro”
Place : Chieti, Auditorium del Rettorato, Università degli Studi “G.d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara
Date : 7-9 Novembre 2017
Programme in
AdriAtlas Project's Round Table
"AdriAtlas e i paesaggi costieri dell'Adriatico tra l'Antichità e Altomedioevo. Per un bilancio consultivo e prospettivo".
Place : Bari (Italy)
Date : 22-23 / 05 / 2017
Discussions of this Round Table are organized in three thematics : 1) Paleoenvironmental studies and sea-level changes: vulnerability and ancient landscape protection. 2) Land management: conditions of settlement and exploitation of natural resources. 3) Connection, local approach, symbol: roads, rivers and ports in the Adriatic, route of material and spiritual culture.
International Congress
“Roma ed il mondo adriatico: dalla ricerca archeologica alla planificazione del territorio”
Lieu : Macerata (Italia)
Date :18-20 maggio 2017
International conference
Roman Archeological Conference 2016 in Roma
Date : from Wednesday 16 to Saturday 19 March 2016
The Biennal International Roman Archaeology Conference and the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference in collaboration with the Roman Society will be hold for the first time in Italy. and will be organized in 32 sessions ; one of them is dedicated to the Adriatic area : “L’Adriatico nell'Antichità quale luogo di transito di uomini, di merci e modelli culturali”, by Roberto Perna and Francis Tassaux.
For more information